
发布时间:2009-03-16  浏览次数:次  新闻作者:李文佳  摄影:  来源:竞技宝官网公共外语部    责任编辑:

  • 为了使全院员工有一口流利、正确的英语口语,由我部老师发起,并于3月12日召开了一次别开生面的语音围剿行动主题例会,对于员工当中普遍存在的语音问题进行突出的矫正和训练,本学期主要涉及五个语音,以下是这五个语音的发音规则,希望能引起广大英语学习者的重视。


    /i:/高、前、不圆唇元音(high, front, unround vowel


    /i:/这个音位可以出现在词头、词中、或词尾。如:eat [i:t] feed [fi:d] sea [si:]

    /i:/ 在英语词中常拼写为e或ee,如:be, we, see, bee; 较少拼写为ie (field),i (machine),ea (reach),ei (receive),eo (people),ey (key),ae (Caesar),ay (quay),oe (amoeba, phoenix)。

    /i/次高、前、不圆唇元音lower high, front, unround vowel

    发/i/这个音位时,舌位较/i:/稍低,口稍开。双唇舒平,但较发/i:/时稍张开。舌头肌肉放松(lax),很松懈地发出,时间较短。汉语中一般没有近似的音,所以很多中国员工在初学时都发不准,常以/i:/代替。必须注意/i:/与/i/的区别。因为它们在英语中是两个不同的音位,足以区别词义。有的英国语音学家,如Daniel Jones,强调[i:]是长音,[i]是短音。二者固有长短之分,但更重要的区别在于舌位,口腔张开的程度,和舌头肌肉的松紧。因为把[i:]念短些并不等于[i],把[i]念长些也不等于[i:]。

    /i/ 这个音位可以出现在词头、词中、或词尾。如:it [it] sit [sit] lovely ['lΛvli]

    /i/在英语词中多拼写为i (fit),较少拼写为e (pretty),ee (been),ie (sieve),o (women),ui (build),u (busy),y (myth)。

    /u:/高、后、圆唇元音high, back, round vowel



    ooze [u:z] useful ['ju:sfəl] music ['mju:zik] pool [pu:l] blue [blu:] too [tu:]

    /u:/通常拼写为oo (soot, boot)。其它拼写出现在下列词中:

    Jewel, canoe, move, soup, rune, maneuver, fruit, true

    我国员工往往把[u:]念得太短。应当念得长些。即使是出现在清辅音前面,如boot, loose,也不能念得太短。至于出现在浊辅音前面,如food, moon,则应当更长些。而出现在词尾,如too, blue,则比出现在浊辅音前面还有长。

    /u/次高、后、圆唇元音( lower high, back, round vowel)


    /u/只出现在词的中间,不出现在词头或词尾。如:took [tuk] book [buk]。出现在词尾只有一种情况,那就是into这个介词有时念为['intu]。

    /r/浊、卷舌、滑动音(voiced retroflex alveolar glide)



    real [ri:l] bright [brait] hard [hαrd] star [stαr]

    在GA中,r这个字母无论出现在什么位置,不论在词首,在元音前,辅音前,或词尾,都念为卷舌音(but only if r occurs in the spelling)。但是在GB中,r只有出现在词首或元音前才发音,出现在辅音前或词尾一律不发音。如:

    GA: right [rait] recreant ['rekriənt] hard [hαrd] large [lαrdЗ] car [kαr]

    GB: right [rait] recreant ['rekriənt] hard [hα:d] large [lα:dЗ] car [kα:]


    /i/-- [bid] [bit] [mid] [mit] [kid] [kit] [liv] [lip] [nib] [nit]

    1. Please give him this ticket.

    2. He lives in this pretty city.

    3. Finish it in a minute if it is not difficult.

    4. He will bring his sister with him to the party.

    5. This spring he visited six big cities.

    6. It's a pity it's still misty in this city of Italy.

    7. Do you think it is an interesting film?

    8. I think it will fit his pretty sister.

    /u/-- good book hook full cook pull look wood put should wolf

    1. It's made of wood.

    2. He stood on one foot and looked.

    3. Have a good look at the cookery book.

    4. The woman pushed the book with her foot.

    5. Put the firewood by the bushes.

    6. Would they have understood?

    7. Mr. Wood looks like a good cook.

    8. The cook understood that the sugar was no good.

    /r/易误读词例: idea delicious famous China Christmas campus nervous

    1. We had coffee and bread for breakfast.

    2. On Shengda campus there is a large library.

    3. France is famous for its wine.

    4. I was so nervous about my exams that I couldn't sleep.

    5. Tom went for a walk with no clear purpose in mind.

    6. It was Mary's idea to hold the party outside.

    7. What's on at the cinema?

    8. I think we should try again using a different method.



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