年末血拼季 网购是王道Big gains without the pain

发布时间:2011-12-26  浏览次数:次  新闻作者:张艳  摄影:  来源:竞技宝官网公共外语部    责任编辑:

  • 导读:在西方,圣诞前夕原本应该是充满喜悦的日子,可是面对节前采购,人们也愈发显得不自在,商场里拥挤的人群,污浊的空气,糟糕的背景音乐都破坏了人们的节日兴致,与此同时,网购(shopping online)这种轻松自在的购物形式也越发受到人们的喜爱。

    For 11 months of every year, I am without doubt, a dedicated lover of shopping. During my lunch breaks, you’ll often find me wandering through a nearby department store, sandwich in hand. On the weekends, I’ll likely be perusing the stalls of my local markets and fairs.


    Come December however, it’s an entirely different story. The time of year generally associated withmerrimentand cheer can be incredibly stressful.


    From buying Christmas presents to ransacking grocery stores in preparation for family gatherings, December is a month that traditionally involves spending a lot of time and money in overcrowded shopping centers and supermarkets.


    What’s worse than this pre-Christmas rush are the sales that occur in its wake. Every year in Britain, Canada and Australia, Boxing Day sales bring thousands of shoppers to malls and department stores.


    Mesmerized by the promise of dramatic price reductions, some people start queuing up outside stores the night before sales even begin.


    This year, during the US’ post-Thanksgiving “Black Friday” sales, 20 were injured after a woman, desperate for a discounted Xbox video game, squirted pepper spray inside a Walmart.


    It’s madness like this that has now driven me to the world of online shopping. Not only can I avoid having my personal space invaded by hordes of crazed shoppers, but nowadays, most brands and online stores offer their own sales and special deals.


    Say goodbye to human stampedes and bad department storemuzak.


    While websites like eBay are great for general items and secondhand goods, the Internet now offers a huge variety ofspecialtystores.


    For clothes and accessories, ASOS.com (UK) and Shopbop.com (US) are personal favorites. Both of these offer a range of great designers, discounted prices and free worldwide shipping.


    In terms of brand-name makeup and beauty products, strawberrynet.com (US) is my go-to site, with itscomprehensivecollection and heavily reduced prices.


    When shopping online, it’s important to stick to secure websites so be sure to read the privacy and security policies before making any purchases.


    When paying, I prefer using third party services, like those provided by PayPal, to ensure my financial details remainconfidential.


    Also, if you’re looking to buy your Christmas presents online, it’s best to keep in mind the shipping time needed. The last thing you want is for your brother’s jacket to arrive a week into January.

    还有,如果你想在网上购买圣诞礼物,最好要留意送货时间。你最不想看到的一幕,应该就是送给弟弟的夹克在1月份都过去一周了才送到吧。 (供稿 董卫国)

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